Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Arrrrrgh matey!

Avast me hearties! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day. Shiver me timbers! Since I be such a pirate fan, I figgered I'd post some scurvy scallywags . Now where's me rum?


  1. did you just draw these all at random and then combine, or are there just lots of floating pirate heads on pages out in Kennyville USA?
    Trying to see if any of these resemble any funny faces we know...

  2. I do this as a warm-up exercise sometimes before I work, or when I have some down time between guests. It keeps me on track and helps me concentrate on variations and face shapes. I was just doodling, sketching out some different basic shapes and then fleshing out the faces. This is a combination of three seperate pages of faces.

  3. Great stuff! Post 'em bigger, though!
    I can't see them!
