Wednesday, October 11, 2006

NCN con wrapup

Finally I'm able to post about the 2006 National Caricaturist Network convention held recently here in Orlando. The con was a huge success, with the largest artist turnout ever. The guest speaker this year was David O'Keefe . Inspired by his work, I sculpted a 3-D piece for my studio submission this year.

I got to talk extensively with David (he's a great guy), and hope some of his immense talent and wisdom will rub off on me.

This is my wall space.

I only ended up doing 4 pictures, a new low for me. Good news is, I still won an award Best Cartoon Style, Second Place. Here's me with newcomer Jessica Plummer (who had a rockin' sketchbook) and Spumco artist Marlo Meekins. I'm the dumpy one in the middle. Needless to say, I'm all pumped up for 2007's convention, which will be in Reno the first week of October. My plan is to have some Black Cat Bone books to sell there and a very unique studio piece that I'm already planning...Stay tuned!


  1. Kenny, love ya brother and missing you already. Dang I'm gonna have to move over to Florida! You rock and I love hanging with ya!

  2. Hey speaking of the con, when do I get to see some of those photos your pops took? There were some I'd really like to have. Namely the ones with me in it. Bwahahahah.But seriously. Let me see em.

  3. woah we look sexy
