Monday, March 02, 2009

Megacon wrapup 2009

The thrill and geekery of Megacon is over, and I had a great time. I got to hang out with some dear old friends, met some new ones, sold some books, drew some pictures and spent a lot of money on parking.
Here's a composite of three shots of the Ka-Blam and Friends tables. We almost took up the whole row.

Alex spent the last two days with me. We goofed around a lot.
Here's me and one of my great friends Cary Bivens. He's a rat bastard too.This is me working on a sketch. I did a lot of sketches for people the last day, I took pics of some of them, I'll post them soon.

... but here's one of them.

All and all it was a successful show. Thanks for everyone who dropped by to say "hi". The next one I will attend may be the FXShow April in Orlando. Stay tuned!


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Dude, I may have contained my glee in person, but I swear to you that lil DK drawing is bad ass. I was going to give away the pin up comic I bought from your table along with the picture but decided to at the least keep something for myself.

    Thanks again for the picture btw.

  2. No problem man. Glad you liked the pic. If you need anything else, I'm here for you.

  3. Your son is starting to look a lot like you.

  4. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I'm sure you already know given that you put them at the head of the table... but the Harley and Ms. Pacman draws are wicked cool.
