Monday, March 23, 2009


Recently I did a gig with my buddies Ted Tucker, Keelan Parham and Brian Wright. It was a company party with a Greek/Roman theme. It was elaborate, and I would imagine, very expensive. All the guests were dressed in togas or other related costumes. Also they were drunk.I know goofy looking guys are fun to draw, and that's usually the caricatures I post, so I thought I'd get some female representation.

This woman had five kids. Five. Nevertheless, she still looked great, yet understandably very tired.

Alice was very quiet, but revealed her wild side to me when she told me something in broken English. I decided to quote her directly in the caricature.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic work Kenny and you KNOW I am totally jealous that I was not there with you guy's... boo hoo....
