Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year's Day 2010: with the new.

The year is 2010. Can you believe it?
2009 was a great year, but I'm really looking forward to this year. There's a lot in store. As I did last year at this time, I'm posting my New Year's Resolutions. You'll find they're very similar to last year's resolutions.
1. Post more on the blog. Every year I post a little more than I did the previous year. This year I want to break the three-digit barrier. In fact, I intend to post EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ever since I returned from the ISCA convention in November, I have been posting daily. Sometimes it's very easy, and sometimes...not. It turns out I have a lot of artwork in the archives that I haven't shared with anyone yet, and there's a ton more planned for the upcoming year.
2. Attend more conventions. Once again, I plan on attending MegaCon and FXShow in Orlando as a guest artist. I know I will also be attending the Star Wars Celebration and the ISCA convention in the fall. If I'm available to do more, I will absolutely attend them, and you'll hear about it first on this blog.
3. Publish more books. 2010 marks the return to Black Cat Bone, with Chapter 3: The Devil's Music. Look for it in the first half of 2010. Durkin's Dragons will continue, I'm already planning another book. Norman Phartephant, my flatulent pachyderm friend will be going on more adventures this year, and I'll be illustrating them. There is a new series of books that I'll be illustrating, which I'll reveal here when the time is right, and there are more publications in the works as well. I love being busy!
4. Increase my presence on the web. The Internet has become an essential tool for the freelance artist. My intention in 2010 is to utilize even more of the applications available on the web. I would love to do some live drawing on Ustream, try my hand at pod casting, and expand my merchandise opportunities.
5. That pesky weight thing. I mentioned in my previous post how healthy I've been eating, but that I have to be more physically active. Now that the weather's a bit cooler here in Florida, I'm going to get outside and start walking around. Hopefully, I can incorporate that into my routine and eventually walking will lead to jogging, etc.
Again, I have a few personal goals as well which are none of your business. It's going to be a great year. Happy New Year everyone!

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