Friday, February 26, 2010

Jett Durkin: Birthday

Seriously. What a beautiful little boy, and what an amazing birth experience! Jett was born at the Birth Place in Winter Garden Florida. Founder and midwife Jennie Joseph and her staff has been working with us throughout the pregnancy toward a safe, natural delivery of our child.
The Birth Place, where Jett was born, strives to create a birth environment that is more like a home. Jett was born in the very bed you see in the shot below and we were welcome to stay with him in "our" room for as long as we wished. Family and friends were encouraged to visit, bring food, stretch out on the couch, and contribute to the baby's first day in the world.
Here's mommy and baby. Absolutely gorgeous!So here's the stats. Jett is 6 pounds 2 ounces and is 19 inches long. He was pink and healthy when he was born. His APGAR (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration) rating is 9/10. We were only at the Birth Place an hour and a half before delivery (less than a half hour of pushing). Mommy had absolutely no medication and was actually laughing at one point during the labor. She was astounding!
I have to thank Jennie Joseph, midwife Onidis Lopez and the rest of the staff at the Birth Place, hypnobirthing practitioner Michelle Smith, and especially our family and friends for their love and support.
Finally, I had to laugh when I noticed the design on one of Jennie Joseph's socks. A jet.


  1. Ha ha. love the jet detail. Now your profile needs to say "father of three..."

  2. Leigh,

    Changed the profile to "father of three" But the "stud muffin" part remains the same...

  3. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS you guys!!! Jett is beautiful!!
    Tell Andi she is da man and she's not supposed to look that beautiful after giving birth. Just not allowed :O)
