Saturday, February 20, 2010

Links Spotlight: Jan Op De Beeck

It was January 2003 at the NCN (now ISCA) convention in Orlando, when I first encountered master caricaturist Jan Op De Beeck. Jan was the guest artist with Sebastian Kruger, who I spotlighted here. Jan has an incredible eye for likenesses and a unique talent for exaggeration. In a few short minutes, he produced what continues to be one of my all-time favorite caricatures of myself. It's on my wall of fame in my studio.
Genius! Over the years, I've got to know Jan and his work even more and not only is he an incredible artist, but a great person as well. He continues to attend the ISCA conventions every year he can, teaching and inspiring all of us. Check out his blog here, or click the link to the right.

1 comment:

  1. FUN FUN FUN. A tradition of mine used to be whenever I'd go to Marriots (Six Flags to the newbies), I would get a caricature of myself done. I have about 3 or 4 and it's cute to see the differences in each artist!! All fun!
