Monday, March 15, 2010

MegaCon 2010 wrapup.

I'm still coming down after a long convention weekend. MegaCon 2010 was a huge success for me. I sold out of both the Durkin's Dragons calendars and the first Durkin's Dragons book, and I sold lots of copies of Durkin's Dragons: Parodies and Tributes as well as the first two chapters of Black Cat Bone. Apologies to anyone not able to get the books they wanted before I ran out. Remember, you can always order them by clicking the links to the right. Durkin's Dragons: Parodies and Tributes will be available soon.
MegaCon is a great opportunity to "get your geek on" as evidenced by the pictures below:
Although I'm not necessarily a "car guy" I do appreciate the great motor vehicles from pop culture, like the Mach 5 from Speed Racer,
The Ectomobile from Ghostbusters,
The Flintstones' car,
and Luke's landspeeder from Star Wars.

Alex really got into it. He even dressed up. He created this character called the "Dreamkiller" a being who destroys your dreams with his sword. He claims he came up with idea for the brown robes first and the Jedi ripped him off.
I drew him in my sketchbook.

Here's my friend Sarah and her friend Black Cat. Meow!

Brad from the Dharma Initiative had no answers about the island for me. None.

Alex is confronted by an Astromech.

One of the best replica Artoo units I've ever seen. I'm going to have one of these some day.

Grievous and Butthead.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by. It was great meeting you all. Be sure to stop by the blog every day for the latest from Durkinworks!

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