Monday, August 30, 2010

Jettwatch: The Great Escape

And so it goes, and so do we. The hospital room has been cleared of our belongings, the car is packed and Jett is in his car seat ready for the drive home.

It's been a tumultuous 8 days. Were all exhausted, but grateful that the surgery went well and that hopefully this will mark the end if his heart issues.

Once again, we would like to thank all of you for your kind words, prayers and support. Be sure to stop by the blog, I update it every day.

I'm going to be interspersing the daily Durkinworks artwork posts with all the Jett news as it happens. Again, we thank you all so much!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:5th Terrace S,St Petersburg,United States


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Wow, you were close to my mom and dad. If you ever need a place to stay close to the hospital or just to hang out, they have a extra place you can crash at.
    I'm glad to see Jett looking good and happy through all this.
    I'll still be praying for you guys,

  2. It's nice that you are doing the blog. I find it just amazing the things that medicine can do now! Here's to no more surgeries!!!
