Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Star Wars Celebration V wrapup.

Well, Star Wars Celebration V has officially come to an end. Alex and I had a blast! It was easily the best convention I have ever attended. Besides all the cool, free swag, I took over 200 pictures, and I am showing you some of my favorites. I can't possibly convey the massive scope of the convention, but I'll do my best.

The convention was chock full of vendors, seminars, exhibitions, activities, celebrity signings, artists and lots more. Among favorite things was the costumes. The fans really showed their skill and attention to detail, adding a fun, interactive element to the con. Here are just a few of the ones I saw. awful lot of metal bikini pictures in here...
Hey, it's Elvistrooper!

Let me think about that, Jar Jar.


I think the costumed characters are funniest when they are engaged in the most mundane of activities.

Most of the Stormtroopers attending the show are members of the 501st Legion. According to their legion charter:

"...The Legion is an all-volunteer organization formed for the express purpose of bringing together costume enthusiasts under a collective identity within which to operate. The Legion seeks to promote interest in Star Wars through the building and wearing of quality costumes, and to facilitate the use of these costumes for Star Wars-related events as well as contributions to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work..."
The 501st had their own room at the convention displaying some of their costumes and promoting their cause. These next pics are from their room.
Several of the international 501st garrisons provided Celebration V with life-size props and environments
The 501st is also in charge of the TK Project. The TK Project is a charity event for the Make A Wish Foundation. The 501st Stormtooper Legion is inviting our Honorary Members, Friends Of the Legion and a few 501st troopers to create one of a kind Stormtrooper helmets. Read more about the TK Project here.
Pictured below are just a few of the helmets.
There were many vendors and companies there, but one of Alex's favorites was of course the LEGO booth. Here are some life-size LEGO creations.
There were many seminars as well. Alex and I were so busy, we were only able to attend the Robot Chicken panel. Here's some shots of the hysterical Seth Green.

I have an affinity for astromechs (the type of droid R2-D2 is). There is an astromech building group which also had their own room showcasing their work.
The infamous R2-KT. Read about her touching story here.

This is how I like my Artoo. The grungier the better.

NOBODY puts Artoo in a corner!

A few miscellaneous pics:
I'm with the band.

These pics are from outside the Hoth Ice Bar. I regret not grabbing a drink here.

They even had a speed dating area set up...
I guess the men-to-women ratio at a sci-fi convention is severely skewed.
Although romance was still in the air.
That's the most striking thing I've come away from this convention with; Star Wars brings people together. The Star Wars Celebration was unlike any convention I've ever been to, because of the sense of community and family. The fandom crosses all genders, races and ages.
Its an exciting universe that sparks our imaginations and fuels our need for stories and mythology.
The next Star Wars Celebration won't be for a few years, and it most likely won't be in Orlando. I'm fortunate to have been able to attend and I'm glad I was able to experience it with Alex.

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