Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scraps 34: Refrigerate after use.

That bunny in the upper left is from a sequel idea I had called "Who Replaced Roger Rabbit?"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wisconsin Jett

Here's a few more pics of Jett during his visit to Wisconsin.

Jett having some "tummy time".

Jett snuggling with Papa.

Jett not snuggling with Auntie Suzie.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's bring your crabby kid to the park day.

Still, I'll take crabby kids over crabby adults any day.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Wedding Recap: Part Two

I'm back in Florida from my Aunt Pat's wedding in Wisconsin. I had such a great time, and I miss everyone already. Yesterday I shared a few pics from the event and I'm following up with a few more today.Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce the newlyweds, Merl and Pat Abler!

The table at the entrance to the reception hall with the caricature I did.

I was the Master of Ceremonies for the wedding. What a blast!

Andi, Jett and I.
The Durkins, my immediate family. From the left, my sister Suzie, Andi, Jett, myself, my Dad, my Mom, my sister Donna and her husband Dino. Missing are our kids, Suzie's son Cody, Donna and Dino's kids Niko, Gabby and Garrett and of course Alex and Kathy. I'm sure a complete family portrait is just around the corner...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wedding recap: Part One

I had a great time at Aunt Pat's wedding yesterday. I'm going to post some of the pictures that were taken today, and a few more tomorrow.

Here's Jett and my sister Donna.

Mom and Dad never say no to a polka.

Of course I had to do a caricature for the lovely couple.

Well, I've got to start packing. We fly down to Florida this evening and then it's straight back to work!

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Location:75th St,Kenosha,United States

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Congratulations Aunt Pat and Merl

Congratulations to my Aunt Pat and Merl for their wedding today. I'm at the reception right now, and although this is finally a wedding where I'm not required to draw caricatures, I'm still being pressed into service; I'm the Master of Ceremonies at the reception. Yikes!!

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Location:Waterford Dr,Waterford North,United States

Friday, September 24, 2010

Woodman's: Quintessential Wisconsin

Woodman's is a grocery store chain based out of Wisconsin. They have several locations, one less than a mile from my parent's house where we are currently staying.

I don't think I could accurately convey the vast scope of the store. Square footage-wise, it's roughly the size of your average Wal-Mart, but with all groceries. Living in Florida, grocery shopping is frustrating because I have to buy my food from several different stores due to prices, products and availability. Woodman's takes care of all of that. It's one-stop grocery shopping at its finest. Food is one of the major focuses of attention in my household, so I felt I just has to take Andi to experience Woodman's for herself.

Beyond the normal grocery store fare, Woodman's boasts a ridiculously wide selection of Wisconsin staples. For example,
this entire aisle... nothing but sausage.

The cheese is located in this aisle,
and this aisle,
and this aisle.
On the other hand, much to Andi's delight, Woodman's has an extensive organic section with organic and local produce and more organic items than your average Whole Foods. We were only able to stop by for a few minutes, but since Woodman's is open 24 hours, we may be making a midnight visit just to stroll the aisles and take in the yummy goodness.

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Location:Wisconsin 50,Kenosha,United States

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Destination: Wisconsin

We're flying up to Wisconsin for a few days to attend my Aunt Pat's wedding.
It will be Andi and Jett's first visit to The Dairy State. I hope they find it to be as charming and deliciously calorie-laden as I do. I'll report from there when we arrive.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Turns out Twilight is good for something.

I've admittedly been in a bit of a caricature funk lately. But last night a certain drawing snapped me out of it. I had a great guest from the U.K. who loves Twilight and wanted to be drawn as a vampire. I'm not much of a Twilight fan myself, I prefer vampire slayers. Nevertheless, I decided to "go for it".

I tried to sneak a photo of the subject, hence the blurriness.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Scraps 32: Contains 100% fiber.

I could draw crazy looking redneck white trash all day.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September Oktoberfest

Yesterday I went to my brother-in-law's Oktoberfest party at his house. I got to sample his private brew, and taste some authentic German goodies.

Thumbs up on the cheese.

Bratwurst, potatoes, sausage and sauerkraut.

But most importantly, steins of bacon (?)

We sang German drinking songs.

The hosts and several guests dressed in traditional German garb.

Andi provided an alternative to those guests without costumes. Looks great, babes!

Andi did some face painting...

... and I, of course, got roped into doing caricatures.

Thanks Chris for a great time. Can't wait for next year!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Durkin's Dragons: Elvis Presley

Here is the next Durkin's Dragons parody: The King, Elvis Presley. Stay tuned for the color version.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Five Guys plus two

Went to Five Guys Burgers & Fries for the first time today.

I promised my good friend Keelan Parham that I wouldn't set foot in a Five Guys until I went with him first. I had the cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato and mushrooms. The burger as well as the fries were excellent!

The restaurant provides customers with little cards upon which they are encouraged to draw on or leave messages. These cards are posted on a bulletin board inside the restaurant.

I just had to contribute.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Productive day

Today I finished the artwork for a children's book, completed a wedding caricature and now I'm off to work. Be good, little Jett!

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More "grown- ups"

Well, at least ONE of them is.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

The not-so-little Mermaid

I draw a lot of kids. A LOT. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind. Kids are cool. But I do enjoy drawing adults quite a bit as well. I'm not sure what I like most about adults, the character in their face, the angles, the... who am I kidding? It's the boobies!

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

There's that ball again...

A bit overwhelmed with projects right now. Not complaining,!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Got Avocado?

We're thinking it's time for Jett to start the next phase of eating, and will begin making the transition to solid food. Currently avocado is his favorite. Good choice!
"Thanks for the help mom, but I'll take it from here"

"So it's called a spoon you say? Interesting. Let me try"

"Nope. I like my way much better"

Thursday, September 09, 2010

No Peekie

Regular visitors know that the main purpose of this blog is to showcase my artwork. Lately however, many of the posts have been about my personal life and family, specifically Jett. That's not to say that there isn't artwork being done, it's just that I can't show any of it to you yet.I'm actually working on quite a bit right now. I'm wrapping up another book for Fierce Fun Toys, doing a logo design for a t-shirt, drawing a wedding caricature, creating an anniversary gift and some other projects that you'll find out about soon. Trust me, the second I can share these with you I will, so be sure to keep stopping by!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Chronicles of Jett

In the interest of keeping things organized and trying to make the blog as easy to navigate as possible, I've taken all of the Jett-related posts and arranged them in "The Chronicles of Jett" button on the right.

Now you can chart Jett's progress from the very beginning!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Didn't we just leave this party?

Jett had to go back to All-Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg today.

Yeah, mommy and daddy weren't too thrilled about going back either. But the good news is, Jett is healing wonderfully. His crabbiness and sporadic lethargy (while being traits shared by his father) are actually quite normal for a 6 month old baby who just went through heart surgery. The vomiting however, can be cured simply by backing off on the Lasix, one of the medications we have to give him. He was given an echocardiogram and his little heart is beating strong! We have another appointment in two weeks with a (thankfully local) cardiologist. I'll be sure to keep you posted. Posted using BlogPress .from my iPhone

Monday, September 06, 2010

Jett update

Jett is going back to All-Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg tomorrow for his two week checkup.

Currently, he's a bit lethargic, cranky and is now getting sick after being administered his medication.

Add all of that to the fact that he is also teething. We can't wait to get him checked out. I'm sure this is all part of the healing process. I'll keep you all posted...

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Location:Pineloch Loop,Clermont,United States