Monday, September 27, 2010

Wedding Recap: Part Two

I'm back in Florida from my Aunt Pat's wedding in Wisconsin. I had such a great time, and I miss everyone already. Yesterday I shared a few pics from the event and I'm following up with a few more today.Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce the newlyweds, Merl and Pat Abler!

The table at the entrance to the reception hall with the caricature I did.

I was the Master of Ceremonies for the wedding. What a blast!

Andi, Jett and I.
The Durkins, my immediate family. From the left, my sister Suzie, Andi, Jett, myself, my Dad, my Mom, my sister Donna and her husband Dino. Missing are our kids, Suzie's son Cody, Donna and Dino's kids Niko, Gabby and Garrett and of course Alex and Kathy. I'm sure a complete family portrait is just around the corner...

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