Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kay Ness and Mount Dora

Today was a very important and busy day. We took Jett to Mount Dora FL to meet renowned neurodevelopmentalist Kay Ness. Kay is a legendary specialist in her field, and while we were looking forward to meeting with her and having her assess Jett, we were delighted that the location of our meeting was Mount Dora.

Mount Dora has a special place in our hearts. The day we got married, Andi and I decided we wanted to go to the best sushi restaurant in Lake County. A quick internet search pointed us to Mount Dora Sushi.

When we arrived in Mount Dora, we were instantly struck by its charm and beauty. It has been called "One of the Best Romantic Escapes in Florida", "One of the Top 100 Small Towns in America" and the "Friendliest Small Town in Florida". Mount Dora Sushi did not disappoint, and the town had such amazing atmosphere with its unique shops and restaurants. We vowed to return for our anniversary.

And return we did. For our one year anniversary this year we went to Mount Dora Sushi again, and decided to try a new restaurant, The Windsor Rose English Tea Room and Restaurant.
Again, we fell in love with this quaint Old English tea shop. It was settled, Mount Dora would be an anniversary destination for years to come.

Little did we know that we would be returning only a few months later. We planned our day to have lunch at the Windsor Rose before the appointment with Kay. Here's what we had:
Tea, cakes and scones. Amazing!

Even John Lennon Statue loves Mount Dora.

After the Windsor Rose, we met with Kay. We spent several hours with her and learned so much. One of my favorite things Kay said, was that in her 25 years, she'd never seen a child with DS who had as amazing muscle tone as Jett and though he was behind on a few things, for the most part he was right on track and even ahead of where he should be for his age. His eyes, nose, mouth, jaw, arms, fingers, hips, legs, feet, toes, even his hair looked great. I was so happy that all of Jett and mommy's hard work was being validated. We have a lot of work to do still, a list of therapy and exercises for Jett, and we will be returning to see Kay in February, just before Jett turns 1.

After the appointment, we decided to try a new restaurant, The Frog and Monkey.

I had the mushroom and swiss burger and fries. Delicious!

I love the atmosphere in Mount Dora. What a charming little town. I highly recommend it to anyone planning a trip to Central Florida. I can't wait to bring Jett back in a few months. Of course, you'll read all about it right here!

1 comment:

  1. I am so pleased to hear the good news about Jett! Keeping you all in our prayers of course. So you had English tea and scones! Welcome to the club!
