Saturday, November 13, 2010

Festival of the Masters is today.

We made it! Alex, Kathy and I are currently at the Festival of the Masters at Downtown Disney.

There's always tons to see and do at the festival. There are activities for the kids.

Alex, don't eat the fake ice cream!

Kathy tries to stay in the lines.

There are sidewalk chalk artists.

Alex gives it a shot.

His contribution.

I couldn't resist.

Hey, Legos can be art too!

The artist booths are set up on the West Side. We're skipping past the pottery and jewelry artists and going straight to the folk artists.

Some of my favorite artwork was the sculptures made from found objects.

They ranged from the elegant... the whimsical.

Looks like the floor in Alex's room.

This artist created sculptures completely out of cardboard.

I really like the idea of re-purposing old things.

Of course, I loved these photos.

No Durkin outing is complete without a significant amount of goofing off.

We had an awesome time. Can't wait until next year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kenny!
    Tell me, What is this festival about? Who are the masters?
    It sounds very interesting!
