Monday, February 14, 2011

DSFF Bowl-A-Thon Wrapup

 Yesterday, Team Durkin's Dragons had an awesome time at the Down's Syndrome Foundation of Central Florida's Bowl-A-Thon. 
Thanks to our generous sponsors, we surpassed our goal of $1000. 
The team, Alex, Kathy, Jett and myself arrived at the location and were immediately met with our first award of the day, a gift certificate for Outback Steakhouse.
Then, we won a Sea World Discovery Cove: Swim With The Dolphins Experience for raising the amount of money that we did.

But the biggest news is that Jett was awarded the
 Special Needs Trust!!
(donated by Dean, Mead, Egerton, Bloodworth, Capouano & Bozarth, P.A.)

We are so grateful to the DSFF and our amazing sponsors who graciously donated to our cause.

We had a great time. I hadn't bowled in over 15 years, so I was a bit rusty. Not that I'm using that at an excuse, I'm a horrible bowler to begin with. But I did get one strike! 

I believe all 18 teams were there. It was a great turnout!
 The folks in the light green shirts were volunteers. They were there to help the families when needed.
Jett was irresistible to them, and at one point I had FIVE volunteers "helping" me with Jett.
Here's Kathy and the "Valentine's Day Bowling Ball of Destruction"
 Alex and "Goldie the Demolisher"
 Me and "Kermit the Annihilator". (by the way, it's a 87 pound ball, I'm quite mighty)
 Free pizza? We're there!
Go on Kathy, pick up the spare.

The DSFF is a great organization. I can't wait for their next event. 

And finally, from the bowling-themed movie "The Big Lebowski" a few lines of dialogue about Jett, my little Dude. Somehow, they seem to fit.

"...sometimes, there's a man – and I'm talkin' about the Dude here – sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that's the Dude..."
"...The Dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there, the Dude..."


  1. Donna1:26 PM

    OMG!!! That is Awesome Wish we could have been there for all the fun! Congrats to all!

    Love Ya

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Looks like you had a blast! You will all have so much fun at Discovery Cove. Oh,that is so awesome that Jett won the Trust!!


  3. Thanks ladies. It's your support that makes these events possible.

  4. WOW!!!!! AWESOME!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

  5. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Colt and I are so happy for you! This is fantastic news for your family and especially for Jett. So glad everything worked out so well!
