Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blog Button: Steve Hearn

I just finished my second blog button caricature. This one is of Steve Hearn.

You can click his button on the right-hand column and it will direct you to his blog. I have a lot more of these to do, and I'm already getting  requests from people that want theirs done. The only condition I have is that your blog has to link back to mine. Next up, Jeff Carrier, then Keelan!


  1. Wowzer! That is awesome and thank you so much for creating such a fantastic feature button! It is a wonderful idea for your blog, in fact do you mind if I steal your idea and start my own blog buttons for my mine too? You will be the first! Thank You again and man, you really are the greatest! Lots of love to all the family as always xx

  2. Really great idea. Good pic of Steve, too. I can't wait!!!

  3. Yeah that Steve one is dead on. I'm sad that my name is so far down the list, but good things come to those who wait and stuff.

  4. Thanks everyone! The list really isn't in any particular order. I might end up putting them in alphabetical order just to avoid any confusion. You're up after Keelan, Loco.
