Friday, July 22, 2011

Geeky Friday- Evil Toy Monger

Today's Geeky Friday post features guest geek, Cary Bivins, the self-proclaimed "Evil Toy Monger."
Cary is a great friend of mine and a geeky collector just like me.
I've spent countless fun hours going to flea markets and thrift stores with Cary, searching the bins and piles of plastic toys for treasures and having a blast. Although he doesn't reside in Florida any more, he still visits during MegaCon to stock up on STUFF. Cary is a collectables archeologist, the Indiana Jones of the action figure world. Recently, he started a blog featuring his collection. Be sure to check him out here, and tell him I said "Hi."


  1. Cary Bivins1:35 PM

    Yay me! Thanks Kenny...I'm honored and humbled!

  2. No problem buddy. Hey, I still owe you a link and a blog button. Look for that soon!
