Sunday, October 23, 2011

Orlando Weekly: Puppet, Muppet and Marionette Art Show article.

The Orlando Weekly currently featuring an article about the Puppet, Muppet and Marionette Art Festival.

I've copied and pasted and excerpt from the article below, written by Skubersky:

Between the production of Avenue Q at Theatre Downtown (extended through October 29) and the upcoming Thanksgiving release of the new Muppet movie, I’ve had puppets on the brain lately. Which led me to wonder “what’s going on with the Orlando Puppet Festival this year?”The answer, it turns out, is quite a bit. The 7th annual event, created and supported by Heather Henson of IBEX Puppetry, returns this November in a new format. This year, the programming is being spearheaded by Sean Keohane of Pinocchio’s Marionette Theater in the Altamonte Mall, which will host the bulk of OPF’s performances on November 5 & 6. In addition, there will be more adult-oriented offerings, including a “puppet slam” and Muppet Movie singalong, held downtown at Urban Rethink and the Gallery at Avalon Island.As a festival kickoff/preview, the OPF-sponsored art show “Puppet, Muppet, & Marionette” premiered last night at the Gallery at Avalon Island, as part of the evening’s Third Thursday art crawl. The collection curated by Benjamin S. Sawinski features inagesof Jim Henson’s iconic characters reinterpreted by over a dozen artists including Rhandi, Kenny Durkin, Eric Johnson, Parker Sketch, Cassie Wojcik, and Jennifer Jacobson. My favorite element of the exhibit is the display of handmade creatures by Jack Fields in the adjoining Cafe; the richly textured junk-made monsters (along with stills from his work-in-progress surrealist short film) are each unique, but all carry a consistently off-kilter aesthetic that serves to imbue piles of detritus with personality.

The article also features pics of two of my pieces from the show.

Check it out here

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