Saturday, November 12, 2011

2011 ISCA Convention FAIL

Well, after a considerable amount of debate, number crunching and schedule reshuffling, I've determined without question that I will not be able to attend the 2011 International Society of Caricature Artists Convention here in Florida this week.

This decision was not made lightly and comes with a significant amount of regret. I was looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I desperately need the caricature "booster shot" that an ISCA convention always provides. I had many seminars I planned on attending. I had a studio piece (nearly) ready to unveil. I had competitions that I wanted to participate in. But most of all, I wanted to support my brother and dear friend, Steve Hearn in his role of ISCA President.

There is good news. The ISCA has offered the option of a "day pass" for those who are only able to attend for a portion of the convention. My plan is to attend Tuesday and Wednesday (and possibly Friday).  I think this is the most realistic scenario for me. Can't wait!

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