Monday, November 21, 2011

Muppet Monday: See The Muppets this week!

Well, this is it. The last Muppet Monday before The Muppets hits theaters. I'm going to be seeing it Wednesday, and I'll give a spoiler-free review after seeing the movie. You have a week from today to see the film before I do the spoiler-rich version of the review, so plan your holiday weekend accordingly!

I couldn't decide what else to post today. There's just so much new stuff to choose from.
The Muppets have officially dominated the media. They've made the recent covers of magazines like Entertainment Weekly and Wired, there are articles in the New York Times and newspapers around the world, they're making the television and talk show rounds (including an appearance on Saturday Night Live) and their soundtrack just became available. This is a great time to be a Muppet fan!

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