Monday, June 04, 2012

"I will take the ring to Mordor, though I do not know the way"

My daughter Kathy's final assignment for her Language Arts class was to create a three-dimensional representation of her favorite literary character. The only requirement was that it was to be at least two feet tall. Kathy chose Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings. I was happy to assist.

We decided to create the character out of foamcore and craft foam. We started with the feet. 
Originally we traced my feet, but decided that they would still be too small for our Hobbit, (the small creatures who are known for their large furry feet.) We used foamcore for the feet and cardboard tubes for the legs. We painted them and added faux fur.

Next we constructed the body out of foamcore. We added clothing made from craft foam. We made his head from foamcore as well. We added the One Ring on a chain around his neck, and cut curly hair from craft foam.

We made his facial features from craft foam.

Finally, we added his cape and buttons.
The final Frodo is 30 inches tall, just a foot shy of the height of the average hobbit. Here are a few outdoor shots:
What a FUN project, and a great way to bond with my daughter!

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