Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Talenthouse Henson Fraggle Rock art contest.

That's right, I'm involved in another Muppety art contest. This time, the Jim Henson Company is holding an art contest celebrating the 30th anniversary of it's acclaimed show Fraggle Rock.
Here's my submission.
I call it, "Fraggleidoscope".
 The inhabitants of Fraggle Rock celebrate 30 joyous years, hand in hand. The Fraggles, Doozers, Gorgs and other creatures are interconnected to create a colorful, kaleidoscopic image of friendship, symbiosis and jubilation.

 Throughout the contest, I will be posting about my process in creating the piece including pics of how the artwork progressed. I will also be debuting a separate brand new blog that will showcase ALL of my Muppet and Henson related artwork and links on how to add some of it to your collection.

 Please visit to vote for my submission. You will need a Facebook or Twitter account to vote.

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