Thursday, January 31, 2013

DSFF's 2013 Valentine's Bowl-a-Thon

DSFF's 2013 Valentine's Bowl-a-Thon

Our local Down Syndrome Foundation of Florida is having their 3rd Annual Tour of Champions Valentine's Bowl-a-thon event. The Foundation is all about "striking" Down barriers to inclusion and I'd LOVE for you to sponsor our bowling team, Durkin's Dragons!
Simply click this link to sponsor us:

The first year, Durkin's Dragons raised over $1,000, and we'd love to do it again this year! The Foundation is run 100% by volunteers so all proceeds go directly to families for scholarships and programs!  It is their goal to raise record money this year so they can support the growing number oscholarship requests and implement some additional programs such as Lose The Training Wheels and iCan Work program. 

Jett has gotten many scholarships from DSFF for his Talktools evaluations, neurodevelopmental evaluations, swimming classes and therapeutic Gymboree classes.

Photo Highlights from previous bowl-a-thons

 Volunteers, in light green shirts, were there to help the families when needed.
Jett was irresistible, as usual, and at one point we had FIVE volunteers "helping" with Jett.
Here's Kathy, and the "Valentine's Day Bowling Ball of Destruction"
 Alex, and "Goldie the Demolisher"
 And, me with "Kermit the Annihilator".

Please help those who help us and donate today!

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