Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Durkinworks Blog 2008: A Year in Review

That's it. 2008 is over. I remember back to the beginning of the year, one of my first posts outlined some of my resolutions for the new year. Let's see how I did.

1. Lose weight-get in shape: Okay, I lost 12 pounds recently. No, I didn't cut my arm off, I've just been eating a lot better. I've merely been avoiding high-fructose corn syrup, white food like sugar, flour and rice, and processed food as much as possible. I'm down a notch on my belt and I'm halfway to the next one. I feel the best I've felt in years and I've found that good, healthy food prepared the right way can taste amazing.

2. Post more on the blog: I posted 63 times in 2008. A marked improvement from 2007's 31 posts.

3. Re-do the Durkinworks website: The website has taken a year hiatus, but don't worry, it will be back in 2009 and better than ever.

4. Attend more cons: I did go to Megacon in Orlando, but I also participated as an attending artist at WizardWorld in Chicago and the CGS Super Show in Reading, Pennsylvania with Ka-Blam. Sadly, I missed the NCN con again.

5. Publish SOMETHING: I completed not one, but two issues of Black Cat Bone in 2008, a feat I never imagined I would achieve.

As for my personal goals, I was hit and miss on those. All in all, I did pretty well. 2008 was the year of the geek. I saw a new Indiana Jones movie in theaters and it was great to see the stores stocked with Indy merchandise. Movies in general were smarter and better done. Iron Man, Batman, Wall-E, Hellboy, even Kung Fu Panda, were all excellent films. The Clone Wars hit the small tube and it was very enjoyable.
As for me, I did a lot of work on the house with the help of Mom and Dad, did a ton of artwork, and fell in love with one of the most amazing people I've ever met. Thanks to everyone for a great year. Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Congrats on your successes! Here's to 2009 being an even better year.

  2. You fulfilled one of my 2008 goals Kenny, that was to catch up with you in March April and have lunch at the Tiki bar! Hope to see you soon brother and every best wish for 2009!
