Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Another new year, another list of resolutions. I actually take new year's resolutions seriously, and try to stick to them ALL YEAR. So here are my resolutions for 2009, in no particular order.

1. Post more on the blog: I promise you that I will have posts numbering in the triple digits. That's right, I'm going to have well over a hundred posts for 2009. That's only a couple a week. My favorite blogs that I visit are the ones who post often. I want this blog to be one of your favorites too. I love when you guys hang around!

2. Publish MORE: I have some fun stuff in the works right now, and look for more chapters of Black Cat Bone throughout the year.

3. Attend more cons: This year, I'm already slated as a Comic Book Guest at Megacon in Orlando, February 27-March 1st. I would love to be a guest at other conventions this year and I HAVE to go to the NCN convention November in Ohio.

4. Lose more weight, get in shape: I'm eating much better on a nutritional level, I just need to be more physically active. Hmm..maybe I'll dust off that exercise equipment in the garage and fix my bicycle.

5. Get a website: This blog serves it's purpose well, but I need a stronger presence on the web. There are things in motion already. Stay tuned.

I have a few more personal resolutions that are none of your business! So far, however, 2009 is shaping up to be a great year. Once again, Happy New Year everyone!

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