Monday, April 26, 2010

Ben Kachoo: Design process

Norman Phartephant is a plush elephant toy from Fierce Fun Toys. I've been working with Angela Larson, the company's founder, to design some plush "friends" for Norman. Yesterday, I posted about Norman's koala friend Harry. Today, I'm going to introduce you to Ben Kachoo, the hippo.
Although I didn't design the plush version of Norman, I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to design his friends. Like Harry, when I was designing Ben, I had to keep in mind that the toys had to have a universal "style" so I couldn't depart too much from what had already been established. I was still able to give Angela some options to choose from.Working with a client like Angela is great because she has a very specific idea of what she wants, but she's also very open to suggestions. She picked and chose different elements from my designs and together we decided what direction to go in for Ben's final look.
Once we had Ben's design figured out, I provided Angela with some different views of the final product.
Next, we explored color options. Angela very wisely decided that because Norman is grey and Harry is brown, that she did not want to repeat those colors with Ben. She had a very specific color scheme in mind.
Finally we had Ben's color figured out.
There are more designs in the works, all of which have been executed through this same process. I can't show you any of them yet, but stay tuned, you never know when they may show up!

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