Sunday, April 25, 2010

Harry Hiccers: Design Process

A few days ago, I posted about some new products from Fierce Fun toys. These will be plush animals to accompany Norman Phartephant. I was asked first to design a Koala. I didn't design the Norman plush, but I had to keep the style of the Koala similar to Norman's. I gave my client, Angela Larson, different designs that she could pick and choose from.By looking at my designs, Angela was able to discern what direction to go in for Harry's design and I gave her my revisions on the character.
When that design was approved, we moved on to color. Once again, I gave her a range of choices.
She decided to go for something less gray, and more brown or tan. I modified the color choices.
She settled on a color scheme she liked and Harry was born!
Tomorrow I'll post about Harry's hippo friend, Ben.

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