1. Lose weight-get in shape: Okay, I lost 12 pounds recently. No, I didn't cut my arm off, I've just been eating a lot better. I've merely been avoiding high-fructose corn syrup, white food like sugar, flour and rice, and processed food as much as possible. I'm down a notch on my belt and I'm halfway to the next one. I feel the best I've felt in years and I've found that good, healthy food prepared the right way can taste amazing.
2. Post more on the blog: I posted 63 times in 2008. A marked improvement from 2007's 31 posts.
3. Re-do the Durkinworks website: The website has taken a year hiatus, but don't worry, it will be back in 2009 and better than ever.
4. Attend more cons: I did go to Megacon in Orlando, but I also participated as an attending artist at WizardWorld in Chicago and the CGS Super Show in Reading, Pennsylvania with Ka-Blam. Sadly, I missed the NCN con again.
5. Publish SOMETHING: I completed not one, but two issues of Black Cat Bone in 2008, a feat I never imagined I would achieve.
As for my personal goals, I was hit and miss on those. All in all, I did pretty well. 2008 was the year of the geek. I saw a new Indiana Jones movie in theaters and it was great to see the stores stocked with Indy merchandise. Movies in general were smarter and better done. Iron Man, Batman, Wall-E, Hellboy, even Kung Fu Panda, were all excellent films. The Clone Wars hit the small tube and it was very enjoyable.
As for me, I did a lot of work on the house with the help of Mom and Dad, did a ton of artwork, and fell in love with one of the most amazing people I've ever met. Thanks to everyone for a great year. Happy New Year everyone!