Last year at this time, I set some goals for 2009. You can view them here. Let's see how I did.
1.Post more on the blog: Granted, I was certain I would be in the triple digits, well over a hundred posts. I ended up with 91, pretty close.
2. Publish more: Black Cat Bone took a year sabbatical. In the meantime, I started Durkin's Dragons, which produced an art book and a calendar. I also partnered with Angela Larson of Fierce Fun Toys to illustrate Norman Phartephant Book 1.
3. Attend more cons: I was a guest artist at MegaCon in Orlando this year, I attended the Animation Supercon in Miami and the ISCA convention in Ohio.
4. Lose more weight/Get in shape: Okay, I started out the year great, but when my wife and I found out she was pregnant and I was going through some other issues, I gained back all the weight I had lost. I eat great; organic natural food, no high-fructose corn syrup, no palm oil, no white flour, for the most part, I've cut out soft drinks, alcohol and junk food. I just need to get ACTIVE!
5. Get a website: Also a miss, although I have updated the blog considerably with many more features and I've increased my presence on the web in other areas.
So, not bad I suppose. There are some things I'm doing right, and other's that are areas of opportunity. That's what life is all about: recognizing your accomplishments and always trying to grow and learn. Tomorrow I'll talk about my plans for 2010. Enjoy the celebrations tonight and I'll see you here tomorrow!