Saturday, March 23, 2013

Prawn Solo

"Hola. Prawn Solo, I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon, okay?"

Pepe the King Prawn from the Muppets portrays that charming scoundrel Han Solo from Star Wars.
My newest piece of Muppet art, now available on t-shirts, stickers and prints.
Get yours HERE:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kenny Durkin Muppet Art.

Those who know me are fully aware of my obsession with the Muppets. I've done a TON of Muppet-related artwork, which you can see here:

Apparently, the've gone viral. I've been swamped with messages and emails about sites and blogs that are now featuring my collection, and I couldn't be more flattered. Here's just a short list:

I've created a store which you can order prints and apparel featuring my Muppet inspired art. Check it out and buy some stuff!