Had a little incident yesterday. There is a new Muppet t-shirt design contest going on over at welovefine.com. The contest ends in October, and right now they are accepting submissions. My good friend Mike Duron alerted my to a very familiar design submitted by "AJ Dooley" Check it out:
That's right. It's the artwork I did for the Threadless Muppets t-shirt design challenge a few months ago.

WTH?! People have no shame!
I used to work at an internet based company & people constantly stole our online content, even the owners' pictures holding our product -- and put it up on their own site.... like we wouldn't find out? So weird.
I know this is a couple of years old at this point, but your blog showed up in a google search related to similar issues with the same art thief. There is more about it on faunaclassifieds, a reptile related board, in the Board of Inquiry section if you want to check it http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=402295
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